Brad Peterson sent recent updates on his layout for all to see, work continues and the layout grows and starts to take shape, enjoy - Rob D

North end D&H yard / west end B&M yard. The B&M yard consists of 5 tracks (from the left) where the D&H mainline then splits the yards with WY Cabin in the center of the picture. On the D&H side is 10 yard tracks total with the engine terminal and
wye in the rear right. The mainline ends just beyond the '
s' curve at present but will eventually go into a
helix and then split at
QG to go into both D&H and B&M staging.

This is the recently completed (track work) north end of the Southern Adirondack. Bottom right is my uncovered covered bridge and the future
Towle & Son Sand and Gravel siding to go in to the right. The
Saratoga Lake public delivery track comes off to
the left. The curve will someday see a short version
of the trestle that crossed the north end of
Saratoga Lake. The bridge across the door is removable and connects to
Saratoga yard. The
SAR engine house
is seen to the left.
Looking across the yards at
the Round Lake Paper Co. Mill 3 is seen at the south
end of the
SAR with
Lamora Cement just across the street. R A Dennis Lumber & Supply is just beyond the
double track thru truss bridge then comes my scratch
built B&M prototype 'uncovered covered bridge' and the
hill toward Saratoga.
This is the start of the
Colonie Mainline,

BK will be just to the left on the track to the rear. The tight curve was necessary so I could have a decent sized crew room and get the trains through. The scene will be of the 'big fill' in Waterford including the old barge canal at
MP A11 and the overhead road
bridge just to the south. Washington Ave crossing will be
at the switch to Prime Mfg. seen at lower left.

Looking south on the Colonie Main, Mohawk Paper run around, stub, and industry lead. Saratoga & Spring streets will converge just as the industry lead curves toward the building (cars spotted) while including the signals that still protect the prototype crossing today. The Main curves to the left and Norlite siding will come off the main just before the tracks cross the aisle (another removable bridge) and go over the washer and dryer to reach Colonie.