From Bill Kozel...
Not exactly what I would choose to post but....Go to: are some pic's someone on the trip did post.
As you can see, we had some rain, typical for Labrador and it was definitely cold all of the time, 30's to 50. It snowed just north of Mai before we got their.
I will be writing an article for the D&H Bridge Line for next issue. I wasn't able to send in a column for the current issue, just plain ran out of time. Hopefully the guy will send more pic's of the trains and facilities. I definitely will make a video of this run.
The loaded ore trains are 240 cars with two units leading and one mid train now. Wabush Mines (Mines Wabush in French/Canadian) are behind the helper and hauled for the Wabush mine. Many things had changed on the railroad since my last trip just prior to 9/11.
The labor problems I was told the railroad had were actually problems the mine workers had with the mine management itself which would affect the railroad by ore haulage but did not relate to the railroad in any other way; the railroad did not have labor problems as we had been informed so our trip was never in jeopardy.
Got 11 hours sleep last night, finally feel awake after two weeks, haha! These "mainline" trips are definitely not relaxing. Really happy I could get one of my partners & fellow BLHS member Bill O'Connell (alias General Patton, alias Sheepskin) on the trip.
Regards, Bill K
From John Camerota....
Thermite Weld at the end of its pour. WNYP RR near MP43.75. Rail is132RE. This is part of a larger track rehab project including tiereplacemt and surfacing as well. 8/22/2007, 1618HRS.......

Westbound CSXT vans pass CP 5 in Lackawanna. In the near future thistrain may make pick ups and setouts here. Seneca Yard on the left isbeing regraded and reconfigured to serve the growing intermodal marketin the Buffalo Niagara area. 8/24/2007 1231HRS............. John C
From Randy Epstein....
I took this picture the other day on my layout. Both of the NYC Atlas GP40's were from Alex's collection, purchased from Paul's. I hope Alex would have approved.
Randy E
From Brad Peterson...
The new deck, or should I call it the log unloading platform. Through the sliding glass doors is the woodburning stove and this 1 1/2" gauge railroad will be used to get from the wood pile to the stove this winter.

Looking west from the deck is the first 30' off the20' deck. This includes a small crossing for the kids to get from the pool to the deck without jumping over the tracks. Its the first 50 feet done in July.

Turned around from the last shot is the 'S' curve to get across the gully next to the driveway. The wood pile will be in the driveway turnaround just beyond the sub roadbed. The tracks will enter the woods and head for the mailbox. Brad P........