Bracing Walls against future warp-age.
Shows assembled basic structure.
Basic Structure on Gator Foam Board.
Nearly finished model with loading docks, signage. Beginning to add basic detail parts, not all included with the kit. Structure is finished until installed on layout were ground texture will be applied.
Notes: Main stumbling point with the kit would be the foundation. Although it has nice scribed field stones, the coroners and ends leave a lot to be desired. Foundation could be covered with brick or masonry paper to hide seems, Also it is impossible to keep both the structure and the foundation square enough so that they line up at completion. It would have been easier to construct the foundation to match the foundation, near completion of the kits. (comments concerning this were forwarded to Art Fahie)Last photos the Fos Scale Models relief structure. Mine turned out to be The Boston Candy Co. Ltd. Basic Directions were followed, windows all received some kind of treatment such as shades, partially opened, Etc.
Again Americana Forrest Green was dry brushed over Dr. Bens Driftwood Stain.
My major "Rail Fanning Trip" is put on hold for this year, as I will be attending the "New" Craftsman Structure Show in Mansfield Mass on November 2nd & 3rd. I will be attending all of the clinics offered and as an early registrant will be participating in several of them hands on.
Being the first of this kind gathering, I look forward to learning various skills and techniques that I can come back and share with all of you.
Bob Chase
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