I have been bitten by the model railroad bug again, and created a shelf layout. I used a 1x2 frame with a 2" foam base on top. The shelf is 12 foot long, two 6 foot sections bolted together from 24" deep to 16" deep. I used code 83 track from Atlas and used MRC's DCC Prodigy Express for control. I have always wanted to model the fall colors, modeling the B&M, CP, Maine Central along with my own short line the Central Terminal, I'm able to. The "plan" is someday build a layout centered around St Johnsbury, VT in the 80's. Lots of CP Alco's and first and second generation power from the MEC and B&M. I have been inspired by Mike McNamara and Mike Confalone's Fifth-season New England Short Line. So I hope you can see I don't only run this site, I actually do model!
Rob D
Spectacular Rob...I can't wait for some of that great craftsmanship to start appearing on my layout.
Looks good Rob! Thanks for the plug and link to my web site. I do need to update it though. Do checkout mainecentral.blogspot.com for updates related to the layout and my model railroading activities.
Mike Mc.
That's really great Rob. Amazing what you can do in such small space. BTW, can you email me a track plan of your modules. It would be more than appreciated. I've got about the same space to create a layout. frederic.begin@videotron.ca. Thanks in advance.
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