So join a glowing Gary here at Plattsburgh, after I've exchanged e-mails with TRAINS associate editor Kathi Kube and viewed the feature article earlier in the evening. It's t shirt weather, (rare) no wind, the lighting all set-up as the talking detector perhaps seven miles north of town announces the passage of 252. The Zeiss ZF 100/2 lens prefocused manually, on the 5D, in the familiar position on tripod with me atop the stepladder waiting. With a backdrop such as Plattsburghs ex-D&H Station, well........let's agree I have a lot to be grateful for these days! Even the NS power appearring on the 930/931 trains looks "good" here! But CP comes through with one of their own tonight, and as many times as I have shot this scene, it's still easy to underestimate 252s closing speed, there's no hesitating when the moment comes tonight! Please enjoy! Comments are welcomed. Please enjoy Karls article in the Sept. issue of TRAINS, you all will recognize moments we have shared in the past!
All The Best In 2008;