
New additions for the paper train pool....

While some new home road cars are greatly needed, these recently weathered
CN and CV paper cars were just placed into service and were photographed on
southbound Train RW6 (the paper train) as they posed during an early morning
cloudburst at Cobleskill N.Y.

They had been sitting on a shelf in boxes in the basement for the past
year and it was time to get back on something besides scenery.

I just bought a new, (used) camera, and the Sony X100 has the ability to
choose film effects while shooting.

The first I believe is Fugi Provia and the bottom one is a color print
film effect.

I still have to do some weathering on the rooftops but got excited to use
and test the camera.

I like the color range in the Pro via one better myself.

Hope you guys are having a great day...
Ken Karlewicz

1 comment:

DandHColonieMain said...

They look awesome Ken. Now I need some for my layout!