
The Confalone Weathering Dojo

I started doing this car up at Mike’s over the weekend and I am about 95% done with it now.I  just need to finish the trucks, wheels and couplers and I think this guy will be ready for the rails. Watching Mike weather cars is something to see cause he just goes at it  without hesitation and certainly inspires the hell out of me, to strive toward excellence in weathering as well. This car was done using one color of oil and two colors of powder.Only the Dullcote was sprayed from an airbrush, but that could also have been done with a spray can. Halfway through, I was struck with  a bit of fear and wanted to quit before I “ruined the car” when it looked like this photo below. 

Weathered yes, but lacking any real contrast and the impact I had  initially hoped for, given the cars cool periwinkle color. Mike convinced me to keep going, and I began to hit the car with some Titanium White oil.I was instantly excited with the results and happy I had gone beyond where I would have likely stopped. I’ve learned from Mike this weekend among other things,  to be bold when approaching weathering, as the most it could cost you is a car and your ability to move beyond your current skill level. When we venture beyond our comfort zone, we are  able to create huge breakthroughs in our modeling and in other areas of life as well. I wish you guys some breakthroughs of your own this week...

Have great day!!
Ken Karlewicz

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